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Accentuation Of The Fields Disappearing…

forums forums SQLyog SQLyog: Bugs / Feature Requests Accentuation Of The Fields Disappearing…

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    • #10366

      The version 6.01 is disappearing with the accentuation of the data when it is going to show the result of a consultation or when you are seeing the data, follows down image.


      This correct in endereco camp:

      São Sebastião

    • #24120

      did you see this one?


      the questions taht we asked here you should answer too!

      1) server version?

      2) the returns of ” SHOW VARIABLES LIKE '%character%'; “

      3) please dump a small table with such data, zip it and attch it here

    • #24121

      Looks similar to my issue from the prevous thread: http://www.webyog.com/forums//index.php?showtopic=3274

      I also had “Österreich” in the table but just “sterreich” on the screen.

      Could you please tell us which MySQL version is used (5 or 4/4.1), and if the problem can be (temporarily) fixed by restarting of SQLyog (or starting of new instance)?

    • #24122

      1) Server version is: 4.0.20

      2) String of SQL for find: SELECT * FROM tblimovel WHERE UPPER(endereco) LIKE UPPER('sao sebastiao%')

      3) Attached file 🙂

    • #24123

      As your server is 4.0 is is another problem.  we do not 'SET NAMES' with 4.0

      Still I would like if you executed ” SHOW VARIABLES LIKE '%character%'; “

      I tried to import your dump to a 4.0 and 5.0 server.  In 5.0 both DATA tab and RESULT tab display Ok, in 4.0 some of the special characters become squares in RESULT – in DATA tab it is OK.  So my system recognizes the existence of a character, but cannot display it (but in RESULT only – it displays in DATA!)

      Default charset for both servers is 'latin1' and both imports where created with that (no charset spec in the dump file).

      Danish Windows Vista.

      Please also explain the query “SELECT * FROM tblimovel WHERE UPPER(endereco) LIKE UPPER('sao sebastiao%')”

      why the UPPER() function? and why LIKE UPPER('sao sebastiao%') and not LIKE UPPER('sao sebastião%')?

    • #24124

      first image is MySQL 5.0.41 and second image is 4.0.26.

      BTW: I would like to know the language of your Windows too!?

    • #24125

      Also the 'mysql' client cannot display those data correctly on my system (probably because my Windows is anotehr language9

      From the cmd line dialogue (and it really displays like that in cmd line!):

      Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or g.

      Your MySQL connection id is 6 to server version: 4.0.26-debug-log

      Type 'help;' or 'h' for help. Type 'c' to clear the buffer.

      mysql> use uniaosoc

      Database changed

      mysql> SELECT * FROM tblimovel WHERE UPPER(endereco) LIKE UPPER('sao sebastiao%'


















      | iseq | tipo | bairro | conta | lograd | endereco | numero | complem | d


      | aluguel | vago | iptu | condom | rateio | foto |

















      | 3 | 2 | 9 | 62 | Rua | SÒo SebastiÒo | 698 | apto 400 | T

      rÛs dormit¾rios com armßrios sendo uma suÝte com box e gabinete, banheiro social

      com box e gabinete, lavabo, sala dois ambientes, cozinha com gabinete e armßrio

      s, dependÛncia para empregada, ßrea de serviþo e garagem para um veÝculo.

      | 600.00 | N | S | S | NULL | NULL |

      | 106 | 4 | 9 | NULL | Rua | SÒo SebastiÒo | NULL | NULL | S

      ala com divis¾ria e banheiro coletivo.

      | 100.00 | S | S | S | NULL | NULL |

      | 107 | 4 | 9 | NULL | Rua | SÒo SebastiÒo | NULL | NULL | S

      ala com metragem: 3,00 x 9,00mâ–“ e banheiro privativo.

      | 250.00 | S | S | S | NULL | NULL |

      | 112 | 4 | 9 | NULL | Rua | SÒo SebastiÒo | NULL | sala 23 | S

      ala com metragem 5,50 x 4,00mâ–“ com uma divis¾ria para recepþÒo.

      | 130.00 | S | S | S | NULL | NULL |

      | 119 | 4 | 9 | 75 | Rua | SÒo SebastiÒo | 818 | sala 01-A | Q

      uatro salas medindo 4,00 x 4,00mâ–“ sendo duas com ar condicionado e uma com banhe

      iro privativo com box e gabinete, uma cozinha com gabinete e dois banheiros.

      | 400.00 | N | S | NULL | S | NULL |

      | 180 | 3 | 9 | NULL | Rua | SÒo SebastiÒo | NULL | NULL | D

      uas portas de aþo, quatro salas na parte superior com sacada, sala na parte infe

      rior, banheiro, cozinha e metragem de 5,00 x 9,00mâ–“.

      | 0.00 | N | S | NULL | NULL | NULL |

      | 183 | 3 | 9 | 448 | Rua | SÒo SebastiÒo | 506 | sala 10 | S

      ala com metragem de 26,00mâ–“ e banheiro privativo.

      | 250.00 | S | S | S | NULL | S |

      | 192 | 3 | 9 | 857 | Rua | SÒo SebastiÒo | 1447 | NULL | U

      ma porta de aþo, banheiro, cozinha, quinta pequeno e metragem de 4,00 x 6,00mâ–“.

      | 330.00 | N | S | NULL | NULL | NULL |

      | 519 | 2 | 9 | 62 | Rua | SÒo SebastiÒo | 919 | apto 71 | T

      rÛs dormit¾rios com armßrios um suÝte com box e gabinete sendo um deles reversÝv

      el, banheiro social com box e gabinete, sala ampla, sacada, hall com armßrio, co

      zinha com armßrio e gabinete, banheiro de serviþo, ßrea de serviþo e vaga para u

      m veÝculo. | 650.00 | N | S | S | NULL | S |

















      9 rows in set (0.01 sec)

    • #24126

      MySQL 4.0.26 and SQLyog 5.32 display correct in both DATA and RESULT tab ('default' chosen in connection manager).

      so something seems to be broken in RESULT tab when retrieving data from servers where SET NAMES dosn't apply!

    • #24127

      At our Office we were able to reproduce missimg charcater just like you reported using an US-English Windows XP.

      Fixing this is high priority!

    • #24128

      Thank friend, I wait that this problem is resolved and that they continue with the excellent work in developing this tool!

    • #24129

      bug is confirmed and fixed and we wil release version 6.02 RC in a few minutes.  Please confirm the fix!

    • #24130

      Hello I make friends, before all I forgive for myself for only now to manage to test his piece of news release, I tell them to myself what now release 6.02 RC is working perfectly with the accentuations…

      Very obliged friend for the speed and efficiency in repairing the mistake 🙂

    • #24131

      I make friends, fields of the type longtext sometimes it appears the characters or sometimes they all the text in this field are left without the accented characters longtext I do not know when that happens, me always when you do an inquiry and enter in the field longtext the fact is that this bug happens

    • #24132

      please clarify: Are you telling that you still (6.02 RC) experience the same problem with LONGTEXT data?

    • #24133

      Hello I make friends, the mistake is happening in any field that contains accentuation, in other words, he sometimes does not save in the database the characters with accentuation and also when you key in a field that contains accentuation and use the key TAB to go to the near field, the previous field with accentuation it becomes a character without visibility.

    • #24134

      what is it you call 'accentuation' ?  like this: ” á ”  ?

      we just dicovered another issue with the 'portuguese tilde accented a' ( ã ) in column names and when updating from the RESULT tab.

      So we will check for more such issues now!

    • #24135

      hello again

      we believe we fixed this now. Please download from

      1 community link : http://www.webyog.com/downloads/betas/not_…d/SQLyog603.exe

      2 trial link : http://www.webyog.com/downloads/betas/not_…603EntTrial.exe

      3 enterprise link : http://www.webyog.com/downloads/betas/not_…QLyog603Ent.exe

      Please confirm the fix as soon as possible.

      We would also very much appreciate a statement

      from users using MySQL 3.23 or 4.0 with non-latin1 charsets

      whether they have experienced any problems in the character display!


    • #24136

      Hello friend,

      the problem persists still, in other words, when I enter in a field longtext to key in the accented characters they appear so:


      And when I am going to pass for another field of publication using the key TAB, the result of the previous field with accentuation appears in this way!


      I realize also friend, what when I am going to check the historical of the operations that were effectuated, he was believing a string of UPDATE with the next characters in the accentuation!


      Remembering that I am in Result mode for publication, I sincerely do not know if in the Table Data mode the process also happens again!


      Given correctly of the text for inclusion in the database:

      Dois dormitórios, banheiro social com box, sala, cozinha com revestimento e gabinete, área de serviço, abrigo para um veículo com portão automatizado.

      Parte superior com banheiro de serviço.


      SQLyog version 6.03 Beta 1

      MySQL 4.0.20

    • #24137

      We know there still is an issue in 5.03 beta1. That was also listed as a 'known issue' in the release notes.

      Please try the latest non-released build (version no. “5.03 beta2n” – n means 'nonreleased build')


      1 community link : http://www.webyog.com/downloads/betas/not_…d/SQLyog603.exe

      2 trial link : http://www.webyog.com/downloads/betas/not_…603EntTrial.exe

      3 enterprise link : http://www.webyog.com/downloads/betas/not_…QLyog603Ent.exe

    • #24138
      peterlaursen wrote on Jun 14 2007, 08:35 AM:
      We know there still is an issue in 5.03 beta1. That was also listed as a 'known issue' in the release notes.

      Please try the latest non-released build (version no. “5.03 beta2n” – n means 'nonreleased build')


      1 community link : http://www.webyog.com/downloads/betas/not_…d/SQLyog603.exe

      2 trial link : http://www.webyog.com/downloads/betas/not_…603EntTrial.exe

      3 enterprise link : http://www.webyog.com/downloads/betas/not_…QLyog603Ent.exe

      Please see this post:


      The Beta 2 nothing downloading… 🙁

    • #24139
    • #24140

      Hello friend,

      I tested and tested it several times SQLYog v6.03 Beta 2 n and the problems with accentuation both in Result Mode and in Date Table are not happening any more 😆

    • #24141

      Thanks for your report.  We will now go ahead and release beta2 officially!

      That will be tomorrow probably!

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