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5.23b1 Enterprise – Editor ("table Data" Tab) Bugs

forums forums SQLyog SQLyog: Bugs / Feature Requests 5.23b1 Enterprise – Editor ("table Data" Tab) Bugs

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    • #10152
      Igor Shergin

      Hello, two bugs in the editor:

      1. When I focus cursor on some field and begin to write something in English, it understands that, goes inside the field and starts printing. But if I write something in Russian, it will not print it until I'll press F2.

      2. I have two fields in table 'subway':

      route_ru varchar(254) cp1251_general_ci

      route_en varchar(254) latin1_general_ci

      When I fill new row in the table, I copy/paste these values (one in Russian, one in English) from the previous row. After several copy/paste operations SQLyog crashes and generates the dump (I attached two samples). It continues to crash until I write the values manually.

    • #23308

      1) ALWAYS tell what SQLyog version you are using!

      2) did you read and understand this:


      3) please show the returns of the statement

      SHOW VARIABLES LIKE '%character%';

      4) We cannot really relate to the crash report before you replied to the other questions!

    • #23309
      Igor Shergin

      > 1) ALWAYS tell what SQLyog version you are using!

      Is there some other version information except that I posted in subject (5.23b1 Enterprise)?

      > 2) did you read and understand this:

      > http://webyog.com/faq/34_102_en.html

      I have installed all charsets except Chinese in Windows system, and use SSH tunneling.

      > 3) please show the returns of the statement

      > SHOW VARIABLES LIKE '%character%';

      character_set_client cp1251

      character_set_connection cp1251

      character_set_database latin1

      character_set_results cp1251

      character_set_server latin1

      character_set_system utf8

      character_sets_dir /usr/local/share/mysql/charsets/

      Unfortunately it didn't crashed more after my post here, so I don't know at this time, how to 100% reproduce it.

      krita# mysql –version

      mysql Ver 14.12 Distrib 5.0.18, for unknown-openbsd3.9 (i386) using readline 4.3

    • #23310

      sorry .. I did not notice the version number in the header.

      And I suppose that you manualy select “cp1251” in the dropdown when connecting?

      Now the first beta supporting unicode is only a few weeks away, so we most likely won'

      t fix the editor issue in the 5.2 tree.  But a crash we will it it can be reproduced!

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