Hey friends,
I have found another issue in beta 1: I can't copy query results to clipboard with “,” as lines delimiter, and when I try it – I can't put “n” back in this dialog field.
Actually I have tried to select some IDs from one table and use result in another query with “WHERE id IN (1,2,3,4,…)”:
1. execute “SELECT id FROM table LIMIT 5” or something similar; let us say we have selected numbers 1 to 5.
2. click green “Copy all rows to clipboard” icon to open “Specify the escape characters” dialog;
3. change “n” in “Lines Terminated By” to “,”
4. now paste copied result to query tab or text editor.
Expected result is:
Selected data is:
5. now open again “Specify the escape characters” and you'll find “,rn” instead of entered “,”.
6. put back “n” (end of line) and close dialog
7. open it again and you'll find “nn” (two end-of-line characters).
Finally I was not more able to fix escape characters in this window; the best possible (still somehow usable) result was “nn” (one blank line between rows).
Similar situation with “Fields Terminated By”: put “;” here, and you will have “;t”.
Escape characters seem to be slightly out of control (probably escaped ;-))