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Varchar Limitation In Migration Toolkit Powertool

forums forums SQLyog Sync tools, Migration, Scheduled Backup and Notifications Varchar Limitation In Migration Toolkit Powertool

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    • #9971

      In SQLyog v 5.19 Enterprise, I've noticed that during the import of a MS SQL field that is larger than the MySQL 5 limit for varchar fields (65,532 bytes), the Migration Toolkit – generated SQL statement still uses varchar, instead of TEXT or BLOB and this causes the import to error out in MySQL.

      I work around this by copying the SQL statement from the sja log and pasting it into the Migration Toolkit after selecting the “Use a query to specify the data to transfer” radio button on the Specify Table or Query window of the Wizard.

      Then just change the varchar to either Text or BLOB and the data should transfer okay. YMMV, of course… :ph34r:

    • #22790

      I tried to reate a varchar(70000) on SQL server. It is not possible!

      Are your source data VARCHAR or TEXT?

      Starting from next release TEXTs from MS-SQL will always be imported a TEXT – also with MySQL 5. However you may need to change to MEDIUMTEXT or LONGTEXT yourself if the length of data demands it.

    • #22791
      peterlaursen wrote on Oct 19 2006, 02:41 AM:
      Are your source data VARCHAR or TEXT?

      The MS SQL source was TEXT I believe, because the size was 2147483647, a field used to hold user comments. I can't confirm at the moment because the database is now detached from my development environment and running on the production server.

    • #22792

      You can just change the mapping in the wizard.

      There is no need for this weird manouvre …

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