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Lost connection to Database

forums forums SQLyog SQLyog: Bugs / Feature Requests Lost connection to Database

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    • #8980

      I can remember reading about this somewhere else on the board, but it doesn't seem to be in here (though of course, I might have missed it).

      Would it be possible if an access to MySql that generated a “Lost Connection” would automatically retry? I mean, if I press F5 to run a query, and get the “Lost Connection” message, I still have to press F5 again and then it reconnects and works. Plus it loses the selected database when this happens, which is a pain.

      This is all stuff which the user shouldn't have to deal with. Hopefully something can be done…



    • #17807

      why is your DB dropping the cxn? that shouldn't happen normally — perhaps there is something else amiss here?

    • #17808

      Idle timeout perhaps? It happens on three pretty vanilla Dedicated Server Mysql setups running on completely different ISPs under Linux w/cpanel, but there's nothing obviously I can see to fix the problem. I still think that if the connection has broken it would be helpful if SqlYog re-established it (perhaps this could be an option).

      I'd like to hear about things I can tweak, of course, but I think there's an opportunity here to just tweak Sqlyog for added friendliness too.


    • #17809

      This happens if the server is configured to disconnect a connection after certain amount of time.

      We plan to include an option in one of the later version of SQLyog where you can specify time in seconds after which SQLyog will automatically ping the server and keep the connection alive.

    • #17810

      Well, that would be nice. But all I'm suggesting is the following:

      (user submits query)

      If connection down THEN reconnect

      display results

      instead of

      (user submits query)

      If connection down THEN complain

      (user resubmits same query)


      display results


    • #17811

      Ping may not do Ritesh! 1. Some firewalls may be configured to drop all ICMP echo requests. 2. In case of tunneled connection, ping is not suitable either!

      I suggest to use some common SQL command, such as “USE ” or “SHOW DATABASES”.

    • #17812

      Here's my contribution (I was going to email it but found your forum).

      SQLyog loses connection with MySQL sometimes (so far only after resuming after hibernation). However, regardless what the reason is, the following is a problem. I was in the middle of modifying my database when I put my laptop to hibernation. Upon resuming I wanted to continue and tried to save changes I made, but SQLyog reported the connection was lost. And the only way to restore connection it provide involved abandoning all the changes — I couldn't access SQLyog menus to issue a connect command. Please change this behavior. If not by reconnecting automatically (which would be very nice), then at least by allowing to manually issue connect command without losing work.

      It shouldn't lose SQL query history either. It currently clears SQL editor window upon reconnecting, which isn't good.

      Using version 4.06.


    • #17813

      We have already implemented this feature in v4.07 development tree. Starting from v4.07, SQLyog will try to reconnect one time if it the MySQL server returns the error: Lost connection to server during query error.

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