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Import from CSV file

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    • #8256

      I have a CSV file I can't import due to an SQLyog error# 2013 – Lost connection to MySQL Server during query. The file has 32 columns separated by commas. The values are not enclosed by double quotes (“”) and I'm logged in as root.

    • #15271

      You may try increasing the timeout value, so the import could complete.

    • #15272

      Thank you so much for your prompt reply, but where do I increase the time out?

    • #15273

      In the my.cnf or my.ini (depending on which you have) net_read_timeout and net_write_timeout parameters (in seconds) should be increased or added. If the rows contain lots of data (blobs for example), then increasing the max_allowed_packet value may also resolve the issue. Furthermore, if you are using 4.0.15 and run it on Win platform, then you should upgrade because MySql screwd up the timeout settings…

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