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Syncing accros ports

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    • #8245

      I have single server running multiple instances of mysql for our development, testing and production environments. These run on ports 3306, 3307 and 3308 respectively. I thought this program was an answer to my prayers on syncing.

      I am able to sync structure (program is worth it for that alone) but when I attempt to use the db sync wizard it aparently ignores the the port number for the target db. I have verified this by attempting to login in as a user whick only exists in one environment. It is able to detect db differences on the choose db entry page so I know it connects at that point.

      However, when I change to a login that only exists in test (for example) and try to sync to it i get the following error.

      Could not connect to the TARGET MySQL server

      When I put a username that exists in both source and destination the program runs but finds no differences. I have tried using different dns listings for each (on the same IP) but no luck. All of this makes me think that only the first port is considered doing the actual comparison.

      Any thoughts on this will be appreciated.


      Michael Juhlin

    • #15249

      I have continued experimenting and have still found no solution. I tried synching across ports on 2 different machines. db1:3308 -> db2:3307 does not work; records get placed into db2:3308.

      I still believe that the port that is used on connection for the source machine is ALWAYS used as the port for the destination machine. To me this seems like a bug (as both ports are asked for separately). I don't know how difficult this will be to fix, but if a fix is not in the works I will need to look for another solution.

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