I am using sja, the offline component of SQLyog, to try to duplicate and synchronize some tables. The tool we are now using allows selection of tables to be copied to be those that match a full SELECT statement, for example:
Select Stmt for Fred.Tables:
Tables=select table_name as theTable from all_tables where owner='FRED';
Select Stmt for Jim.Tables:
Tables=select unique jim.work_table as theTable from jimtables jim, apples app, oranges orn where orn.tree_name='Valencia' and app.vendor=app.CRISPY and app.type=jim.favorite
I don't see a way of constructing such table selections in the XML for sja; the only thing that seems to be possible is to put stuff after the (built-in, provided) WHERE . Is it possible to alter the table selection by adding qualifiers that come before the WHERE, as in the above examples?