Would it be possible to have SQLyog remember a table-specific config?
I use mysql (linux) and paradox (windows) because I haven't found a GUI for mysql that comes close to paradox (and that'd be relational). PHP would be a possibility, but I'm a rank beginner with PHP … so instead, I use SQLyog to move data from paradox over to mysql.
The SQLyog table import is very good (it even gets åäöü, and changes the text “2003-09-31” to date format in mysql!), but it doesn't remember the table transfer setup, so I have to change that for each table each time. Table structures differ in pdox and mysql … mainly it's the sort order, it's easy to change field names, but paradox is really boneheaded on the “sort by” front, whereas the mysql table structure includes its own indexes, auto_increments, NULL/NOT NULL, and other whatnots.