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Connecting to Remote server from Dymanic IP

forums forums Connecting to Remote server from Dymanic IP

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    • #7821

      Hi Everyone,

      I'm trying to find a method of managing my MySQL server from my laptop whilst on the move around various countries. Currently I have to conect to my server via a phpMyAdmin page to update the MYSQL HOST table with my current dialup's IP, reload MySQL and then use SQLyog to do my stuff.

      I tried registering a dymanic domain with http://www.no-ip.com which updated the DNS everytime I connect. This works no problems I even run a web server on it my friends us to chat with me.

      However when I put my host name in the table, it does not not allow me to connect.

      Any pointers on what other people have done appreciated.



    • #14043

      If you have shell access to the server via ssh, use ssh to tunnel the mysql protocol.

      Here's what I do.

      My laptop is running windows 2000. I use SecureShell from http://www.vandyke.com.

      In the configuration for the connection to my server I have setup port forwarding for 3306.

      When I want to connect SQLyog to the server there I connect to the server using ssh and then connect SQLyog to localhost port 3306.

      This way I can remotely control my mysql server from any internet connection available.

      Clear as mud?


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