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Schema Sync Error – Minor Bug

forums forums SQLyog SQLyog: Bugs / Feature Requests Schema Sync Error – Minor Bug


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    • #13362

      Minor bug:


      I frequently sync the Schema from a master db to 3 other dbs.


      Occasionally, it fails on the 2nd or 3rd sync with error Unknown database ‘[name_of_db]’


      The db it names in the error is the Target db that was last synchronized, whilst the Schema Sync window is still open.


      This error happens periodically, although not a big deal, as closing the Schema Sync window, and re-opening and trying again always works.


      Cheers, Max

    • #35357

      We are checking this.

    • #35358
      Kartik Grover



      Sorry but we are unable to reproduce this in our environment. Can you provide us with a test case? Schema structure of the source and target will help us largely if sharing it is not a problem.  




    • #35359

      I have prepared a Schema dump for the database – I’m not permitted to supply the data as well.


      There are 2 databases, for 2 clients, on separate servers. They are `cams_kpn` and `cams_stf`. The schemas are identical.


      The targets are identical dbs on my own machine.

    • #35360
      Kartik Grover



      Thank you for the help. We will look into it and get back to you asap. 🙂



    • #35361

      DDL/schema alone is always fine for testing Schema Sync issues. DML/data are not required.

    • #35362
      Kartik Grover



      The Schema sync tool picks up the source and target from the list that is in the Object Browser of SQLyog. Here as you can see the names of the databases are reflected in the schema sync tool. But since the error is returned by the MySQL server that the database is unknown, that means when Schema sync tool fires a query and connects to the server, at that time the server returns the error that the database is unknown. This could happen in case there is any other script running at the back end which may by temporarily deleting the database and then again updating it. 


      So can you please check if there is any scheduled job or other script that may be running at the back end which may be causing this. Also please tell if this error is always caused the first time you do a sync.



    • #35363

      When I’m syncing the schema, there are no other jobs/scripts running.


      I haven’t seen this error occur if I sync just one other db, only if I do several syncs sequentially with the Sync Tool window left open, and it’s never the first sync.


      The sequence would generally be something like:


      1. (Dev) cams_kpn > (Dev) cams_stf

      2. (Dev) cams_kpn > (server) cams_kpn

      3. (Dev) cams_kpn > (server) cams_stf         < this is where the error occurs


      I can’t “reproduce” the error either, as the majority of the time when I do this sequence, it’s AOK.

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