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Bug With "limit Rows" And Filtering

forums forums SQLyog SQLyog: Bugs / Feature Requests Bug With "limit Rows" And Filtering

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    • #12751

      Steps to reproduce:

      1. Create a table with

      CREATE TABLE `test` (

      `id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,

      `field` varchar(10) NOT NULL,

      `AnotherId` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,

      PRIMARY KEY (`id`)


      2. Fill table with

      1 one 5

      2 two 5

      3 three 10

      4 four 11

      5 five 5

      3. activate filter with AnotherId=5 (there should be 3 rows)

      4. reduce “# of rows” to 4: there only appear 2 rows instead of three

      Theory: # of rows limits the table data before filtering instead of useing the filter to all data and limiting the resultset afterwords.



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