SQLyog 10.0
SQLyogTunnel.php 46KB 7/12/2011 (Loaded from 10.0 download)
I created a SQL dump using SQLyog. I went to another database (using SQLyog) and attempted to execute the script. The database is being accessed used SQLyogTunnel.php. I got an error saying that I had a duplicate key in a “Table A” (auto-increment). I ran the SAME script against a different database (using SQLyog) but this database was NOT accessed using SQLyogTunnel.php since this was a local database. The script executed successfully. I went back to the original script and, after a bunch of trial and error, managed to find that if I removed one of the tables (Table B; NOT Table A) then the script would load using SQLyogTunnel. I then created a new script with “Table B” alone and executed that separately, loading it into the database using SQLyogTunnel. It loaded successfully!
Script which included Table A and Table B—among others:
Using SQLyogTunnel : Failed, saying Table A had duplicate entries
NOT using SQLyogTunnel: Success
Script without Table B:
Using SQLyogTunnel: Success
Script with Table B only:
Using SQLyogTunnel: Success
Note that at no time was Table A a problem; nor Table B for that matter. These tables are being used in their original environment at the present time with no problems.