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Specify Ssh Connection Local Port?

forums forums SQLyog Using SQLyog Specify Ssh Connection Local Port?

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    • #12337

      There used to be a field to specify a local port on the ssh connection tab. Is it possible with the latest sqlyog version, how?



    • #32270

      It is not required any more. We will now 'pick' a free/unused high-numbered port automatically. This ensures that multiple program instances using SSH tunnel will not conflict (use the same port) what could cause rather bad problems (including that SQLyog connected to another server than user wanted if SSH tunneling was used by more conections automatically – what could ultimately cause data loss actually). This was like this since version 8.21 (and you may check release notes for this one).

      We do not have a single complaint that there is any problem with that. Do you have a specific reason why you want to define the port yourself – such as firewall or proxy problems for instance?

    • #32271

      No problems in SQLyog. I'm actually purposely wanting multiple program instances using SSH tunnel

      My local, development machine is running an application server that connects to a remote server database. When I was able to define the local ssh port the application server “shared” the connection sqlyog was using to the database instead of having to run an additional ssh tunnel. Made it very easy to switch between development, staging and production database servers by just connecting in SQLyog.

      Looks like a static local port isn't possible anymore?

    • #32272

      The local port used by SSH tunnel will be picked automatically (from the pool of unused high-numbered ports). Windows will protect against the port being used by other programs.

      I don not understand your scenario (or reqeust if there is so). Before 8.21 a user could be connected to another server than what he thought (if he specified the same local port for more than one connection) wwiht multiple SQLyog instances or other programs using SSH. For those users that wer not aware of this and did not understand the internals of SSH it was very dangerous actually (you could perform actions on a master instead of a slave for instance).

      What is the problem with multiple tunnels?

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