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Disable Auto-Limit

forums forums SQLyog SQLyog: Bugs / Feature Requests Disable Auto-Limit

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    • #12331

      Currently, whenever I right-click and “Open Table” on a Table name, or select a table and then the Table Data tab, it ALWAYS defaults to show only 100 records. I want to show ALL records 99% of the time!

      I have a few tables with 60-100 thousand rows, but most of my tables have less than 2000 rows. Often when I DO display the larger tables what I really WANT is the row count!

      How can I disable the automatic Row Limit when I click on a Table, so that I can always see ALL records??

      I am using SQLYog 8.63.


    • #32246

      Uncheck the 'Limit rows' checkbox. It is persistent and will have to be done once for every table.

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