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Mysql Tuning

forums forums Monyog Using Monyog Mysql Tuning

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    • #12122
      M Nour

      Dear all,

      I have a dedicated server running our college forum and I want a help in Tuning it's MySQL

      It has

      – 2 × 2 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo

      – 4 GB of ram

      – 500 MB Hard disk

      The server runs a vBulletin forum with 700 MB Database and some other small applications

      The problem is that the forum has more than 15000 visits per day which really kills the server and makes the forum tooooo slaw !

      I really want a help in tuning this server, how could MONyog help me in that ?

      and what you recommend me for tuning ?

      sorry for bothering you and thanks in advance

    • #31392

      1) If you have MONyog installed then start follow advisors in 'Monitors Advisors' page for various buffer settings – both for the server level and the storage engine(s) level (with a Forums software running I will assume that MyISAM is used).  The default settings that the server ship with are much too small for a production server.

      2) You should try use the MySQL 'query cache' if you don't already.  With Forums it is very often a few very popular posts the draws a majority of the request.  Also here MONyog will give you advisors on how to configure the settings.  But here you may encounter the problem that the software does not consider that user may use 'query cache' and  do not use the 'SQL_NO_CACHE' clause for queries that should not be cached.  But give 'query cache' a try anyway.

      3) Ensure that you MySQL server is not a debug build (they are slow) and if you do not need the general log – what you probably don't – then turn it off in order to reduce disk I/O (but it may be turned off already)

      4) You may try to identify slow queries with the MONyog 'query analyzer' – just one more index to a table etc. may improve performance.  But is is always problematic 'hacking' such standard applications, as it may very well cause trouble upgrading the software.

    • #31393
      M Nour

      Thanks Peter so much : )

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