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Start Sqlyog With Specific Connection

forums forums SQLyog Using SQLyog Start Sqlyog With Specific Connection

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    • #11974

      Hey all,

      Is there a way to set a connection as the “default” or to use the command line to start SQLyog with a specific connection already open? Even with the connection coloring, I find myself just hitting the “connect” button automatically and ending up in a different connection then the one I want. 95% of the time when I use SQLyog, I want a specific connection. On the few times I need another one, its easy enough to open that specific one. The problem is if I do that and close SQLyog, when I start it up, I automatically hit the connect button and am in the wrong connection.

      The easy solution is to tell me to be careful and simply check before I hit the button, and I try, I really do 🙂 But it would be nice if there was a way to modify the shortcut to include a command line auto connect or to configure SQLyog to always start with a default connection.


    • #30864

      I do not understand.  When SQLyog closes down it ill close the connections already open.  Also more connections windows cannot use the same connection.  That is a limitation with the MySQL protocol (and not wirh SQLyog) – MySQL does not support 'parallelism'.  One connection per client instance/one client instance per connection and only one query at a time in one connection is possible. 

      But maybe I do not understand what you mean by 'a connection already open'.  Please elaborate.

    • #30865

      Sorry I wasn't clear. When you start SQLyog, it asked you which saved connection you want to connect with (“Connect to MySQL Host” window). It will always default to whatever the last saved connection you used. I would like to have it default to a specific saved connection, as typically I use one saved connection 95% of the time.

      What I was asking as far as the “specific connection already open” was if there was a command line option to have it connect automatically using a specific saved connection and bypass the “Connect to MySQL Host” window altogether.

      Is that any clearer?

    • #30866

      It will always default to whatever the last saved connection you used.

      Yes, SQLyog behaves this way. Currently there's no command line option for this. Similar request is already present in our issue tracker, I will update it with this post. We will discuss about this request during the team meeting.


    • #30867

      Thanks, I had missed that!

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