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Sqlyog Crashes Frequently

forums forums SQLyog SQLyog: Bugs / Feature Requests Sqlyog Crashes Frequently

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    • #11902

      Ok, it said it created teh dump file, but i can't seem to see/find it.

      What has been happening, is I have been working a lot with stored procedures. I have been opening them, closing them, re-running then…

      Without warning, all of a sudden, i end up using all 2gb ram, and crashes. The crash has been windows, and sqlyog.

      Is this an error/bug ?

      I will try and get more info.

    • #30568

      Thanks for reporting the issue

      What is the SQYog version and Windows version?

      Please attach the crash dump created from this path

      Windows Vista/2008/7:


      For Windows 2K/XP/2003:

      C:Documents and Settings{user}Application DataSQLyog

      Thank you


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