SQLyog is a great product I have just bought it.
My dream improvement to SQLyog would be in sql editor the autocomplete feature.
I would love it to be extended thus:
firstly [select ] would be a shortcut button/key combination nearby.
this would bring up a dialog where you select the ALIAS as being DirectoryListing table – forever afterwards that would be remembered.
a drop down list would then appear to select column – this could be selected using any key such as 'space' (VS works like this but 'enter' as present would still work). in our example space anyway:
this key would be added to our selection:
select dl.BusinessID from
this would now bring up the dropdown showing 'DirectoryListing dl'
select dl.BusinessID from DirectoryListing dl
then enter 'where dl.'
dropdown column list appears
select dl.BusinessID from DirectoryListing where dl.DirectoryListingID
Wouldn't be a lot of work to create, I'd hope, but it would be a dream to use.