how do I remove “MSysRelationship”
Reported probelms are due to MS Access access restrictions. To eliminate the error and get “clean” import, please remove object 'MSysRelationships' from the import job.??
Scheduled import started at: Wed Oct 21 19:00:00 2009
Importing table schema: Action… Successful…
Importing table schema: Appeal… Successful…
Importing table schema: Assignment… Successful…
Importing table schema: Case… Successful…
Importing table schema: CaseCost… Successful…
Importing table schema: Contact… Successful…
Importing table schema: CPYCASE… Successful…
ERROR in SQL: SELECT szRelationship, szColumn, szReferencedObject, szReferencedColumn, grbit FROM MSysRelationships WHERE szObject= 'Action' ORDER BY szRelationship, icolumn ERROR: [Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Record(s) cannot be read; no read permission on 'MSysRelationships'. : Import unsuccessful