I have upgraded to 8.14 and I have a sync process that runs from a mysql 4.1.12 install to a 5.0.45 install. Now, I realize that this isn't the ideal scenario. However, trying to get both servers to run the same versions is basically impossible for reasons that are out of my control.
When I run a sync between the servers SQLyog gives warnings on some tables stating that there is an incompatibility and that it is going to run in a special mode. The data actually syncs fine so I am going to be leaving everything as is.
My question is, is it possible to filter the types of messages that go into the log files? I have some non-technical staff that monitor the logs looking for syncs that didn't run because of interruptions in database connectivity or other errors so that they can manually restart the syncs. It would be much better if they didn't see these warnings since the syncs are running properly and the warnings look much more serious than they really are.