What is the documentation you are referring to?
MySQL docs? If so please link to the page
SQLyog help file? If so what is the page header?
To alter an index, you will have to execute SQL “ALTER TABLE”. Every change in an index will drop the existing index and build a new one from scratch. Ther is no SQL like ALTER INDEX ..
You can try to “manage indexes .. edit” and see the SQL form HISTORY like
alter table … drop key `t`, add index `t` (`t`, `id`)
of course we could allow for renaming and the SQL would be like
alter table … drop key `t`, add index `t_new` (`t`)
Do you request this? However you should be PERFECTLY aware that the old index will have to be dropped and a new will be built with ANY index change. What may take a lot of time with large tables. That probably also is why we did not support renaming an index (this was designed like that before my time!)