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Query Builder

forums forums SQLyog SQLyog: Bugs / Feature Requests Query Builder

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    • #10211

      I saw a nice feature on this demonstration.


      Especially I liked the final part, when I copy a query in the query windows and will show all tables and how thety are connected.

      I hope that a features like this can be added in SQLylog as well.

    • #23493

      It can and will be implemented.  And much similar actually (every such query byilder is a Access clone!)

      We will probaly finish the internal (1st) build of the query builder tomorrow. Next we will have to decide in detail how to integrate in the GUI.  

      We aim for version 5.3 with unicode support and 1st query builder next week.

    • #23494

      GREAT, we hope in 1-2 week 🙂

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