I have searched the forums and if this answer is there and I didn't find it, I'll be really embarrassed.
I have downloaded and installed the community edition of 5.20 and I'm hoping to use it as a simple front end to the databases on my hosting server. The hosting company offers up phpMyAdmin and I have to believe there is a better way and I think SQLyog is it. But, of course, I can't get it connected.
The databases are at susandennis.org – It looks like the information in this whitepaper http://www.webyog.com/en/whitepapers/HTTP_…hoo_Hosting.pdf will work find for me, BUT… I need to load up a file called SQLyogTunnel.php.
Will downloading and installing the trial version of enterprise net me this one file? Is there any other way I can just get this file so I can upload it and use it to tunnel?
Is there a better way for me to go? Clearly my personal knowledge base has a bunch of gaps here so I'd appreciate any help.
Susan Dennis
Seattle, WA