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Error No. 1018

forums forums SQLyog SQLyog: Bugs / Feature Requests Error No. 1018

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    • #10047
      Owen Davis

      Has anyone experienced this error before? I don't understand what it means. I've been connecting to a few servers without incident for weeks now. This happened just last night after I tried using the backup database feature. Now I can't see any tables in the GUI. I can however access the tables by writing a query.

    • #22981

      Is this happening with all databases (in case you have more) or for one database only?

      Also do I understand correctly that the databases are shown?

      When clicking the plus sign in the Object Browser SQLyog sends these queries:

      MySQL 3.23 and 4.0:

      show tables from `dbname`;

      MySQL 4.1 and higher:”

      select `TABLE_NAME` from `INFORMATION_SCHEMA`.`TABLES` where `TABLE_SCHEMA` = 'dbname' and `TABLE_TYPE` = 'BASE TABLE';

      What happens if you write those queries yourself? You can even try MySQL command line client.

      also try

      create table newtable as select * from oldtable;

      Is the newtable created correctly? If so you can DROP the table causing problems.

      To my best belief it is a coincidence that this happens shortly after using the backup tool. This tool does nothing but sending SQL to the server.

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