SQLyog does not yet support BIT types as of MySQL 5.
Before version 5 MySQL stored BITS internally as a TINYINT – from version 5 it uses a binary storage format. That means that the correct SQL is for instance:
alter table `test2`.`tablename1` change `morebits` `morebits` bit (6) DEFAULT false NULL
Note that a BIT is not a single binary value, but rather an array of such values. In this case an array of 6 of them. Refer to http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/num…e-overview.html.
If you true to use SQLyog GUI to set the default as FALSE, SQLyog will quote it as a string and it will not be accepted by the server. You will need to execute it from SQL pane. And still SQLyog cannot display the values and you cannot enter values from SQLyog either.
A single binary value is in SQL denoted as a BOOL type. MySQL still uses the TINYINT storage for this and you can work with it from SQLyog and use defaults '0' and '1' (without quotes).