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Re: Is It Possible To Import From Csv Only For Certain Columns ?

forums forums Re: Is It Possible To Import From Csv Only For Certain Columns ?


ZOMG WOW, cool queryes 😀

I'm trying it on right now ! I got many questions, why is there the delete statement ?

It works only with limit 1 so thats why I need to make a loop ?

What does the delimiter ..delimit ? (never used stored procedures either 😀 but theres a first for everything)

brb with more questions 😀

later edit: heh, so i think i understand that the limit 1 trick is to match the v2 with the id (because selecting only the first row will match), right?

it gave me an error, so i removed the last DELIMITER and then no error. but i dont know why I did that.